Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
101359 ER001-0116 抵抗BOX RB-R15
19018 M5050-059 ブザー BA-24
59505 BV001-03631 オルダムカップリング MJX-70-15X32
1529573264-937171 180329-H3024 sealant filling unit
100870 EN001-0242 カラー液晶モニタ- DURAVISION FDX1003-BK
110556 HA001-0061 Simple electric crimping device XY2B-2006
12158 BY0098P-003 UV Intensity Meter Vari-Wave Ⅱ
112866 HE002-0013 measuring microscope STM-UM
34006 AS001-0110 リングブロー VFZ401A
3806 1PR9-9169 逆流防止メンテナンスキット SS-3K-CH8-BN
101972 ER001-0729 デジタルホットプレート PC-400D
13953 JA048P-001 ワークステーション SERIES 700I
6608 9912-9145 3PORT SOLENOID VALVE 7-39-92269
27209 1PR9-9147 ショルダーボルト F61R10-404232-11
5423 4PR1-9082 C/S Z-MOTOR HARNESS #2 1R86-408798-12
96202 058-01 microscope RM-400
5580 4PS5-0089 ベアリング 01093
10462F B0265 FLOAT SENS ASSY#2 1R86-410771-13
101630 ER001-0387 CompactPCI Board CTP-8521
1540865305-498326 180307-D-24-00 Temperature Chanber CP-N2
101322 ER001-0079 UV電源 MB-8020313
92929 DY001-0263 インラインフィルタ PLF050-6W
101299 ER001-0056 遠心ポンプ CRN3-19 A-FGJ-G-E-HQQE
107415 FO001-0251 Scaling meter K3MA-J
10082 BR5357P-007 OUTPUT UNIT AY42
28897 1AT1-9002-2 ヒーター断線警報器 K2CU-F20A-EGS
100554 EL001-0013 HOTPLATE STIRRER SW-15HS
102674 ER001-1530 ポータブルデシケーター スタンダードPL スタンダードPL
10131 BR5543P-009 超音波発信機 W-357P-25
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In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
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