Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
3784 1PR9-9138 SENSOR FLAT CABLE 1R86-400298-11
1578296874-340398 170308-LO1440 Dry Etching Equipment HT-910WId3
3686 1PR9-9018 真空バルブ 012-002244-1
18156 L1210-058 O-RING V-380
1850 002-374 AIR PUMP BA-110SN
10896 BR9951P-020 フレキシブルフラットケーブル 4S037-577
103009 EM001-0005 集塵機 DET200B-HP
23891 P9540-0001 WATER BATH EW-100KD
100565 EL001-0024 TOUCH PANEL VT3-Q5S
12186 BY0125P-011 NOTE PC NT7100Pro
1540865711-318746 180307-D-026 2D distribution measurement apparatus CA-1500
101886 ER001-0643 PIRANI VACUUM GAUGE GP-1000
111211 GW001-0229 RH type power relay RH4B-ULD
112595 HD001-0940 power board 2S001-040-2AN 12V100W
112598 HD001-0943 power board 2S001-040-2AN 12V100W
10021 A0900-3 THERMO RECORDER RS-10
101889 ER001-0646 PIRANI VACUUM GAUGE GP-1000
52424 CO001-1782 金属顕微鏡セレクター U-AFA1M
110064 GS001-0112 Scroll pump PRD1-210
101564 ER001-0321 GRAPHIC PANEL GP477R-EG41-24VP
101162 ES001-0153 TIMER H3Y-4
108732 GI001-0153 Thermostat LCH-3000
10343F B0111 ACアダプタ SJ-U1
100870 EN001-0242 カラー液晶モニタ- DURAVISION FDX1003-BK
1517364166-868892 171001-H-004-00 Magnifying Glass LB
101070 ES001-0061 RF LF-5
63873 BV001-08001 XY-VIDEO SCALE RVS-3580D
10716 BR9932P-032 FITTNG SS-8-VCR-CP
102798 ER001-1654 LINE MONITOR 3351
111411 GW001-0429 plasma torch 204-70272
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In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
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