Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Please note that we may not be able to respond to some questions by email.

Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
101149 ES001-0140 漏水センサー WF3010-10-FL308673
100894 EN001-0266 カラー液晶モニタ- DURAVISION FDX1003-BK
101968 ER001-0725 LED照明用コントローラ MLEK-A080W2LRD72
10115 BR5516P-002 IONIZER 960
101402 ER001-0159 HALOGEN LIGHT UNIT LA-100USW
87242 DQ001-0307 BLOWER MB1255-B
10009 A0916-3 温湿度計 HN-U2A
4595 4CM1-9052 GUIDE/NUT LIMIT SWITCH 0020-66172
101390 ER001-0147 STEPPING MOTOR PKE569AC
21695 P0011-0352 空間光伝送装置 SOT-VS709 B TYPE
102675 ER001-1531 FLOW MARKERⅡ K7016278
10131 BR5543P-009 超音波発信機 W-357P-25
70674 BV004-0971 RESIST PUMP RBP-0108MD
18839 M1510-009 HUB CentreCOM FS924TX V1
101633 ER001-0390 CompactPCI SC2430
14597 JA090P-002 XY-VIDEO SCALE RVS-3400A
101334 ER001-0091 ガス浄化装置 MB-20-G
1712902797-66671 211122-003 WSST-608-AG
101453 ER001-0210 LED照明コントローラ OPPF-48MN
73849 CL001-0104 炭酸ガス インキュベーター BNA-111
101389 ER001-0146 STEPPING MOTOR ARM66AC-H50
20641 P0003-0696 HDD model 611
101554 ER001-0311 IONIZER CONTROLLER SJ-M300
103174 EM001-0170 ロードセル LRK-100N
10773F B25008 LIB-IF 4S007-278-A
16934 JB005P-014 TOUCH PANEL GT1572-VNBA
87243 DQ001-0308 BLOWER MB1255-B
1850 002-374 AIR PUMP BA-110SN
112658 HD001-1003 NMR EXT.CONTROLLER EFM-700M
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Personal Information Protection Policy

In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
Hightech Systems Corporation (hereinafter, “Hightech Systems”) manages personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.

Hightech Systems will state the objective of use of the information prior to obtaining personal information, and obtain such information through appropriate and fair means.
Hightech Systems will use your personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following objectives of use and will manage your information with strict care.

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  3. Supply any other information believed to be useful to each provider of personal information

Hightech Systems will keep the personal information it obtains accurate and up to date, and manage it securely. At the same time, Hightech Systems may also seek your cooperation to prevent the loss, falsification or leaking of your personal information, or to achieve necessary and appropriate information security measures.

Hightech Systems acknowledges your right to request the disclosure, amendment, cessation of use, or deletion, etc., of your personal information, and if such request is made, Hightech Systems will respond immediately within reason in accordance with applicable laws.
If the objective of use stipulated in these provisions exceeds a reasonable scope, Hightech Systems will present a new objective of use, inform you to this effect, and use the information upon receiving your consent.

If law enforcement, the judiciary or other bodies with legal powers request the disclosure of personal information, Hightech Systems will provide such information to the requesting party.