Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Please note that we may not be able to respond to some questions by email.

Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
101375 ER001-0132 LABOPORT N810FT-18
3775 1PR9-9126 FLOW METER 024-017214-1
101653 ER001-0410 風量コントローラ BV-RB10TRZ5Y
101144 ES001-0135 直流信号変換器 CP2MD
102249 ER001-1105 Active Moisture PROBE MB-MO-SE1
1712904181-52731 230109-001 Ion Implanter IPZ-9001
101684 ER001-0441 Active Oxygen PROBE MB-OX-SE1
101349 ER001-0106 TFT COLOR MONITOR CM-1040D
11838F BS0032P-018 SUSCEPTER TEMP MONITOR 0100-66002
16847 JA508P-046 FLOW METER TEL33
101320 ER001-0077 AIR TANK VBAT10A-V
101217 ER004-0001 真空オーブン DP63(特)
112902 HF001-0017 ROTARY PUMP E2M80
102662 ER001-1518 冷却ユニット一体型レーザダイオード駆動用電源 SXD03500
101158 ES001-0149 TIMER H3CR-A
101718 ER001-0475 OXYGEN MONITOR JKO-25LJD3
1574410945-310953 170607-M0008-01 Vacuum Oven VAC-300
1576050536-342108 190601-PY-172 Automatic Micro Image Processing CMM AMIC-360
3656 1LC1-9013 活性炭フィルターカートリッジ 46332-01(SN)
1605252473-89927 200919-006 Dry Etcher M501AW
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Note: We do not accept transactions with individuals or sole proprietors.

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Personal Information Protection Policy

In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
Hightech Systems Corporation (hereinafter, “Hightech Systems”) manages personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.

Hightech Systems will state the objective of use of the information prior to obtaining personal information, and obtain such information through appropriate and fair means.
Hightech Systems will use your personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following objectives of use and will manage your information with strict care.

  1. to respond to inquiries received from you
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  3. Supply any other information believed to be useful to each provider of personal information

Hightech Systems will keep the personal information it obtains accurate and up to date, and manage it securely. At the same time, Hightech Systems may also seek your cooperation to prevent the loss, falsification or leaking of your personal information, or to achieve necessary and appropriate information security measures.

Hightech Systems acknowledges your right to request the disclosure, amendment, cessation of use, or deletion, etc., of your personal information, and if such request is made, Hightech Systems will respond immediately within reason in accordance with applicable laws.
If the objective of use stipulated in these provisions exceeds a reasonable scope, Hightech Systems will present a new objective of use, inform you to this effect, and use the information upon receiving your consent.

If law enforcement, the judiciary or other bodies with legal powers request the disclosure of personal information, Hightech Systems will provide such information to the requesting party.