Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
10012 BR4605P-007 DC POWER SUPPLY PA36-1.2A
101971 ER001-0728 デジタルホットプレート PC-400D
100586 EL001-0045 POWER SUPPLY XEL 250P
101093 ES001-0083 温度変換器 CP2RT
80484 CW001-4740 インライン形クリーンフィルタ FCS1000-H8H8
3454F BS0032P-004 ASSY EXH SWITCHING PCB 0100-66014
1587367973-849585 200420-01CD coater/developer ACT8
100939 EN001-0311 カラー液晶モニタ- DURAVISION FDX1003-BK
80485 CW001-4741 インライン形クリーンフィルタ FCS1000-H8H8
10937 BR9952P-010 98NOTE拡張BOX ANE-201
77323 CW001-1579 断線警報器 K8AC-H23CC-FLK
101259 ER001-0016 DRY PUMP LR600
1519019902-763957 171001-B-010-00 Panel Repair Machine
101892 ER001-0649 PIRANI VACUUM GAUGE GP-1000G
22489 P9015-0019 HDD IDC-032MBB
1687224353-62393 220724-JOK033 Compact Draft 700S CD7S-W
102407 ER001-1263 SPC CONN BOARD 1R81-603243-13
103350 EV001-0086 SS-MAC SS-MAC-15
101114 ES001-0105 INPUT UNIT C200H-ID212
21581 P0010-0253 磁性流体シール W-X00257
1562300587-860137 190502-UT001 Automated Optical Inspection FPI6590
103388 ES002-0035 ベビーコンプレッサー TMD02-P7SD
10836F B25110 Laser Power Supply LP-2000SM
92930 DY001-0264 インラインフィルタ PLF050-6W
101891 ER001-0648 PIRANI VACUUM GAUGE GP-1000G
1605257923-48080 201105-001 Developer Mark-V
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In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
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