Hightec Systems is a premier source in selling and buying used parts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment/
liquid crystal manufacturing equipment/used equipment as well as selling ALD equipment.

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Please note that we may not be able to respond to some questions by email.

Inquiry Product

Product Code Control No. Product Name Model
10009 A0916-3 温湿度計 HN-U2A
55218 CO001-4576 EXTENTD ARM ASSY 1A85-020847-13
55749 CO001-5107 CRYO PUMP CRYO-U12HL
102092 ER001-0849 ゲートバルブ 61234-KEAL-0001/0001 A-1114142
64091 BV001-08219 金属顕微鏡 EMZ
10039 BR4821P-007 OUTPUT UNIT AY42
3586 1DS1-9031 SOLENOID VALVE 012-000433-1
10717 BR9932P-034 REGULATOR YBR-2506
3937 1TA1-9108 ストッパーピン 1G10-400571-11
22325 P9010-0014 ELECTRONIC RECORDER RM1812L00001A00
101385 ER001-0142 AC SERVO MOTOR SGMAV-08A3A21
102665 ER001-1521 マルチ環境測定器(testo 480) 0560 0480
107418 FO001-0254 Scaling meter K3MA-J
107415 FO001-0251 Scaling meter K3MA-J
1529572161-427805 180329-H1033 degassing apparatus R-3642-S8MD2
106858 FM001-1042 Ultra-pure water and electricity preventer PRCⅡ-1000ACD
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Note: We do not accept transactions with individuals or sole proprietors.

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RequiredYour Name Example: John Smith
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OptionalFax Number Example: 03-0000-0000
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Note: Your inquiry cannot be sent unless you agree to these terms.

Personal Information Protection Policy

In the operation of this website, Hightech Systems respects your privacy and endeavors to take due precautions to protect and manage your personal information appropriately.
Hightech Systems Corporation (hereinafter, “Hightech Systems”) manages personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.

Hightech Systems will state the objective of use of the information prior to obtaining personal information, and obtain such information through appropriate and fair means.
Hightech Systems will use your personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following objectives of use and will manage your information with strict care.

  1. to respond to inquiries received from you
  2. to send e-mail magazines, send direct marketing materials, and so on
  3. Supply any other information believed to be useful to each provider of personal information

Hightech Systems will keep the personal information it obtains accurate and up to date, and manage it securely. At the same time, Hightech Systems may also seek your cooperation to prevent the loss, falsification or leaking of your personal information, or to achieve necessary and appropriate information security measures.

Hightech Systems acknowledges your right to request the disclosure, amendment, cessation of use, or deletion, etc., of your personal information, and if such request is made, Hightech Systems will respond immediately within reason in accordance with applicable laws.
If the objective of use stipulated in these provisions exceeds a reasonable scope, Hightech Systems will present a new objective of use, inform you to this effect, and use the information upon receiving your consent.

If law enforcement, the judiciary or other bodies with legal powers request the disclosure of personal information, Hightech Systems will provide such information to the requesting party.